Perspective study


 Perspective is is the art of representing 3D object on a 2D surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other.
( Point of view, Position, Angle )

1. Atmosphere Perspective

      Atmosphere Perspective/ aerial perspective is the effect you get when far away
      objects take on the colours of atmospheric haze.

      1.1  Objects' saturation decrease with distance. ( value/tone decrease)
      1.2  Contrast decrease with distance. 

       1.3  Brightness increase with distance
       1.4  Atmosphere perspective is even visible at night   

2. Linear Perspective Drawing Attribute

     2.1  Horizon line
              A thin line where the earth and the sky appear to meet each other is the                       horizon line, and it is always at the eye level. Horizon line like a formula,
              before start to your perspective drawing, horizon line must need to draw 

       2.2  Vanishing Point
              After horizon line , we need to point the vanishing point. From an observer's
              point of view, A VP is a point where all the parallel lines seem to meet and                   gradually disappear. The number of vanishing point up to the perspective                   we want to create.

3. Linear Type Of Perspective Drawing 

       3.1  One point perspective

       3.2  Two point perspective

       3.3  Three point perspective


        3.4  Four point perspective

       3.5  Five point perspective

4. Task 1 : Perspective

       1st day, lecturer give us some homework to let us more understand about                  perspective. example: ( one point perspective, curve line, 1 to 3 vanishing point)

       4.1  Try sketch before start to draw

           4.2  One point perspective ( One VP )

            4.3  Curve line

              4.4  1 to 3 vanishing point perspective 

5. Task 2 : Two Vanishing Point ( Normal, Bird View )

              5.1  Normal View

              5.2  Bird View


6. Mid-Term Assignment

    In this assignment, we suppose to draw one or more vanishing point with  digital painting. My 1st idea is draw a sky city view. So, i go to research some perspective and choose one vanishing point to start my perspective painting.

After that, i try to draw the perspective view that i want in AI.

Then, i start to sketch my artwork in PHOTOSHOP.

After sketched, i lower down the opacity of sketch and use brush to paint the shadow and highlighted place.

Next,i try to put in base colour for my artwork and create some outline

After paint the base colour, i start to paint the detail one by one and use different layer.

    1. Cloud and the ships, because it is far so it blur

    2. The light flare on the top of sky city, the buildings was not so details because               there are far

    3. Paint other blur sky city at behind, the ships and draw the man who falling down        nicely. 

   4. Paint some rain and flare effect, and some light from the houses that very far.

    5. Paint nicely for the temple, because it is the focus point, so cannot be blur, and draw some bird to make overall look realistic.

   6. Use blur tool to blur the lamp to create the depth of field effect

   7. Overall all the details and put some flare and black shadow into my artwork.

    Nando's Art Competition  

     I used my sky city art and take part into Nando Art Competition in March.

   I also need to describe my artwork like visual storytelling before take part. After 

   finished, i submit my artwork to organizer. 



    In May, i receive the email from nando and grateful join into finalist.



7. Foreshortening Perspective

      To reduce or distort ( parts of a represented object that are not parallel to the picture plane ) in order to convey the illusion of three-dimensional space as perceived by the human eye; often done according  to the rules of perspective.

Example :

   7.1 Foreshortening Photography
         Lecturer need us to take 16 foreshortening photo before we start to next assignment.

8. Final Assignment : Foreshortening

    In this final assignment, we need to draw a foreshortening object and 2 or 3 perspective background with digital painting. Before start, i do some research and
draw a draft in PHOTOSHOP.


    I simply draw a draft with bursh before start my final artwork

   I also simply paint the background and the hair as draft.

   After the draft, i start to paint the details. 1st, i paint the face as details as i can and simply paint the cloth and sword.

   Then, i draw some building as the background and paint the white light as the sword effect.

   After that, i start to paint the details of clothes and gun.

   Then, i paint some effect on the sword and also start to paint the hair with small brush.

    After that, i start to paint all of the details of the hair and make it more realistic.

    Then, i paint again on the sword the enhance the effect and i also paint the blue light at the bottom of gun.

    After paint all of the details, i paint the background like a future city but destroyed.

1 条评论:

  1. Awesome work. Keep it up. Do you have an Instagram or DeviantArt?
