3D Mudbox Modelling

In this task, we are going to learn how to model a 3D sculpture by using 
Autodesk Mudbox.

Mudbox is a proprietary computer-based 3D sculpting and painting tool. Currently  developed by Autodesk.


Before start to model, i have go to do some research and reference to create my own model.
1st, i have plan to create a different version of a Dota hero (soul keeper) 

So, i go to do research of some monster and demon





body shape 


Concept and body part sketching




 cloth, itlem

 side view



Base model before sculpting

We create the base model of character in 3d max before sculpting in mudbox
1st, there are some free download 3d base model online, so we get download some base model that suitable to our character's body part or item.

I have download some base model from [Dota 2 Workshop-Technical Requirement]
It is a page for download the base model and weapon of the heroes. So the designer can download them to design some new items for dota 2 workshop to sell in the gaming market.

After download the base model(obj), i start to arrange them and change their shape ,pattern in 3Dmax according my character design.

After finish to the base model before sculpt,  export it to [ obj ] file to make sure it can import to Mudbox for sculpt.

Tools Mudbox

After we finish model the base, import the obj file we saved in 3dmax and start to sculpt. There are some tools in Mudbox for sculpting. 

 There are different kind of brushes we can use in Sculpt tools list.

 We can adjust the size [ , ] and strength ( M ) of brushes. Before that, we can use the Mirror function to sculpt 2part of area in same time. Invert Function is invert the brush and can sculpt holes or something concave.

Stamp and Stencil is a tools to help us sculpt the texture easily on the object by using a image.

Pose tools help to create the joint on the object and move the object according the pose we want by using Pose.

Select/Move tools is a base support tools like 3dmax, it help to translate,scale,rotate,select object.

Sculpt model in Mudbox

After the base model, i start to sculpt the model as detail as i can in Mudbox.
The in front of head and back side view of head.
The cloth and some decoration

The monster leg and the demon horn

Wings back and front.
The weapons

Lightning texture in Mudbox

Final Outcome After Render In 3Dmax

After finish the sculpting, export as [ obj ] file in mudbox and import back to 3dmax for do lightning and rendering to make it look nice and realistic.
back and the front of body

Head medium close up and weapon

Full shot of back view
Full shot of side view

My Task One Final Artwork

Painting in Mudbox

In mudbox, we are able to paint our model with some tools.

We can open a new Paint layer to start to paint our model. We also can change the channel to different kind of function when creating new paint layer. For example: channel Bump is for paint the texture on the object with colour. We can choose the colour we want and also adjust the opacity of the layer.

There are some paint tools list in mudbox to choose different way of paint.

Second model in Mudbox

For learn painting in Mudbox, we are going to create our second model. Through some video reference from lecturer, im going to plan and create a huge monster model in mudbox.


Some monster reference

my huge monster character is combine with the kingkong and dinasour.

To combine the kingkong and dinasour,  i aslo reference to pacific rim monster's characterism to enhance my monster's effect.

Sketching,Base Model And Sculpting

Sketching for different view of huge monster

Base model and base sculpting

Make it more detail.

 Overall make it more detail and add a tail.

Painting For The Second Model

 Before paint i use bump layer to make the texture more details and realistic. i also adjust the strength of brush to make it blend colour easily.

I bump the object with stone image, to make it more look like stone monster. The colour of object is reference to the pacific rim'monster dark green colour.

 Highlight and shading are very important when painting, because it will make our object look more detail and realistic with texture.

I open a new specular layer to paint the shiny stone, because it will make it look more metal and enhance the highlight effect.

Final Outcome After Painting

Different view of my final artwork

My Second Task Final Artwork


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